Friday, September 24, 2010

Review: Purederm 3 in 1 Beauty Magic BB Cream

Hey guys as promised heres a follow up video of my review for the the products ive already written about, and expect a new video everytime i do product, service or anything review . Dont forget to subscribe to my vidos as well. You can Visit my youtube channel at

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Follow up video blog: Review : Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream

Hi guys this is a follow up video review of Missha Perfect Cover BB cream , ill be doing follow up video blogs for th eother products i have already reviewed so watch out for that

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Youtube Channel

Hey everyone Yeah you heard it right! I decided to open my own youtube channel in tie up with my blog. So besides my written review in here you will be expecting video reviews of the products as well . Please do support and give my blog some lovin. And as a teaser heres an intro video for my my channel

Purederm Magic BB Cream


   If you remember a while back I did a post about BB Creams.  I did a review about Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream . Since the first time i heard about this product i never stopped using them and i became really addicted to it . 

  I first heard about the BB creams a year back when 2ne1 Ullzang Noona Sandara Park was asked about her skin care routine and she attributed it with the use of BB creams . SO since then i started scourging various shops on getting one the one problem that i encountered though was at that time the products was not yet avaiable in the country . So iresorted to the next best thing ordering them online . But thats not the case now, since the BB cream has started to get a lot of popularity and has been starting to grace the counters of our leading shops in the country

Monday, September 20, 2010

Skin Products Haul


Hello hello Readers Its been awhile since my last products review. It took a while so this time im doing a Skin Care Products Haul: For this post ill be reviewing 8 skin care products. Yes you heard me right!! Not 1 but 8 skin care products (anti-aging, body scrubs, facial cleanser,sheet masks, sunscreen and bb creams). Look out for my updates for the next following days of this week .

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Feature Post : Open Photoshoot : The Equestrian Order BY Caloi Estanislao

    Hi guys , I decided to put featured posts every once in a while in my blog and for  today im feautring an open photoshoot  .

     This Photoshoot is Conducted by photographer and graphic artist Caloi Estanislao , who has done various works from shooting different personas and celebrities. For a full detail of his work visit:

Location: Caloicoy Studio, Sta. Ana, Manila
Make-up Artists: Xixen & Joshen Vahn Lee
Production Assistant: Lei Cuba

Teaser Models: Avhiey, Eron, Rodel

• Open to everybody
• October 9, 2010 Saturday 1pm to 6pm (ADVANCE SHOOT Starts Sept. 22 to Oct 8)
• Dress code: Fitted jeans/leggings also accepted for girls
• Jackets, Boots, Hats and props will be provided.
• “Digital Makeup” (Photoshop processing) will be provided.
• Registration fee is P700 (for Advanced Shoot); P800 for Main Shoot Date (w/hair & makeup)
• At least 10 shots, 5 high resolution photos will be given out and 3 photos will be edited

Please PM Mr Caloi Estanislao or text him  0916-2723359 for further inquiries.

(Disclaimer:Images that appearing on this post are copyright of Mr. Caloi Estanislao and all things nice claims no credit for them unless otherwise noted)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Welcome to All Things nice


Hey everyone!!

    My Magazine blog is still under construction as of the moment but things are looking good so far, There are articles posted already so feel free to browse around for available contents. Ill be putting updates several times a day so watchout for those. Expect some minor changes for the next few days as so to make the blog more enjoyable for you my readers. 

  •  I just added my disclaimer and contact me pages so you might want to check that out. 
  • Just added this home page for purpose of notications and announcent of whats new in my blog
  • Added Retweet and Facebook Like buttons for each articles so feel free to tweet them or share them to your friends in facebook
Anyways, keep coming back for updates and make sure to click on the like button  and speread the love, hope to hear from you guys soon.

